The rifle I shot my mother with
  • The rifle I shot my mother with
  • The rifle I shot my mother with
  • The rifle I shot my mother with

The rifle I shot my mother with

66.200,00 €

Paul Pierre LaBloo: The rifle I shot my mother with. 380 pages. Capitol.

Original American edition.

Ausstattung: Paperback
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The true story of Barry R. Rodny who shot his mother by accident with one of his loved rifles and who kept the weapon in great honour, because the love of his mother is now, as he believes, in the weapon that killed her.
Barry learned to love weapons from his parents. His father taught him how to clean the different types and told him to keep them in perfect order, always ready to shoot.
The book ends with an impressing statement, showing the deep love to weapons this type of American citizen is devoted to. If once —as it is in the hands of God— his children will shoot him, Barry hopes, that they will use the same rifle with which he shot his mother. It could be, he proudly says, the beginning of a new family tradition.

We thank the National Rifle Association of America, whose work made this book possible.



Paul Pierre LaBloo

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